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Becoming Finance Ready For the New Year

December 21st, 2015

As the year closes in, this is a great time to re-evaluate your personal finances to start with a fresh slate in the new year. Taking a second look at how you spent your funds in the last 12 months, will give you a complete perspective on your spending habits. If you didn’t do so well with saving, you can work on that for next year or if you did well on controlling your budget, you can improve in the next 12 months.


How To Avoid Debt For The Holidays

December 18th, 2015

The last thing you want to think about during the holiday season is how you’re going to deal with the debt that it creates from buying all that crazy holiday spending. Nobody wants to, but it’s a real problem that can damage your credit and ruin your holiday experience. While you may deal with debt all year, it can be especially tough when you have to prepare for the end of the year. Here are some common debt issues you could run into and how you can avoid them or deal with them quickly.


Debt: Can It Stop You From Getting A Job?

December 18th, 2015

Dealing with debt can be a stressful time in anyone’s life. Even the best-off individual can go through debt problems like the rest of us. A steady income can seem like the solution for making monthly payments. However, there are those who struggle with debt that don’t have a regular paying job and this can sometimes have consequences in more aspects than just personal finances.


Debt Settlement For The Active Credit Card User

December 18th, 2015

We are an age of spenders. As a result, many of us have multiple credit cards, some of us have as many as 6 or 7. Not to mention, we spend a couple hundred on each card that eventually accumulates into thousands of dollars of debt.
This debt will then have to get paid off at some point, if not the debt will only get larger and harder to pay back. As a result, many more people are turning to debt relief companies for assistance with their debt problems.


Credit Cards: 5 Ways They Are Costing You

December 18th, 2015

If you’re alive and well in the United States then chances are high that you have at least one credit card. Holding a form of credit is more common than owning a pair of bowling shoes in America. In the same token more people also deal with credit card debt as well.


How To Deal With Debt Without a Job

December 17th, 2015

Debt recovery can be a time-consuming process when you have a well-paying job, so when you lack an income the task becomes even more daunting. Eliminating debt can be all but impossible when you no longer work. Without a steady source of income, debts can accumulate, collection calls can start and your credit score can suffer. Despite the stress that accompanies this situation, debt can be managed when you have no form of income, with the right preparation.


Eliminating Debt Versus Managing Debt

December 17th, 2015

It’s common to hear that not all debt is bad debt. Too many Americans carrying even the slightest bit of debt is cause for concern. People are more concerned with paying off debt than having debt linger. The thought of debt management isn’t new but it is daunting. Staying out of debt is ideal, but is it better to continue to carry a debt with you?


5 Ways Bad Debt Can Ruin Your Life

December 17th, 2015

Debt can be a constant pain for some people because of its sheer nature. Everyone knows that debt is a struggle but not everyone knows the extent of impact debt problems can have on a person’s life. The amount of debt that can pile up over the course of your life can create serious problems. Not handling debt related issues immediately can leave you open to worse financial issues down the road. For those struggling with debt, here are a few ways debt can actually shorten your life.


Money Mistakes in Your 20’s That Can Haunt You

December 16th, 2015

Your 20’s are probably going to be remembered as the most carefree times in your life. Not quite your childhood (with your parents watching over you) and not quite your later years (with the responsibilities). It’s a special mix of the two and combined with the newfound freedom of adulthood your 20’s can easily be the best years you’ll ever experience. But with all the wonder that comes with being an adult there’s also the sting of money management and as with many stings this one can linger a while before its effects are felt. Here are 10 mistakes you’re going to make in your 20’s that will hang over you forever.


Pay Off Debt And Save Money In 4 Ways

December 16th, 2015

It seems like money can only ever be for one or two things at a time. Saving money can be as imposing as paying off debts you have. Most of the stress people feel is self-imposed and can be avoided by having a clearer outlook on your money It seems like money can only ever be for one or two things at a time. Saving money can be as imposing as paying off debts you have. Most of the stress people feel is self-imposed and can be avoided by having a clearer outlook on your spending habits.