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Is Debt Relief Always the Right Choice?

By: Michael Millington

It sounds like a weird question to someone who’s in debt. It can be especially tricky if the debt amounts reach the thousands.

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But, as with many things in this world, debt relief isn’t always as it seems. There are many forms that debt relief comes in, but what about just plain old paying off your debt?

Well that depends on what your debt situation looks like. If you really are in debt thousands of dollars and it’s well beyond your ability to handle, professional help might be preferable.

But if it’s less, why not handle it yourself?

Sometimes debt exists because of neglect, not because you can’t pay it off. There are genuine moments when a payment or obligation will fall through the cracks.

We’re human. We forget stuff.

Not to say that a car payment or a medical bill is something that you just forget. But maybe you can’t make a payment at some point in time.

You might have skipped it to come back to it, and just never went back.

Now you’ve got people calling you at all hours, wondering when you’re going to pay off your store specific credit cards. You’re getting letters in the mail and you’re growing antsy.


Don’t panic. You have options.


  • Reach out to your creditors and see how to resolve the situation
  • Reach out to a professional debt relief provider and have them deal with your creditors for you
  • Reach out to no one and wait to see what happens.


A quick look at this list and the scariest option might seem like the one where you reach out to your creditors. One thing you must know about your lenders: they want your debt settled as much as you do. However, getting the most money back for what you owe is their top priority.

Using a professional can be a sobering thought when deciding to deal with debt head on. Of course, it will cost you something, but in some cases the cost of using a debt relief company is mitigated or even erased due to their efforts to lower your debts.

Doing nothing about your debts is something many people, either purposefully or by accident. Ignoring your debts can have massive repercussions on your financial health. Your creditworthiness relies heavily on your ability to make your payments on time. The more you miss your payments, the more your score suffers.

So does this make debt relief the right choice?

In one way or another, yes.

You should always look to handle your debts so they don’t have the ability to hinder your monetary endeavors. Yes, even if your creditors only care about getting as much money out of you as possible. Yes, even if you don’t think a debt relief company will be of any use to you. It’s better to tackle your debt in some way than to do nothing at all.