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Common & Uncommon Saving, The Guardian Way: Food

By: Michael Millington

One of the more common methods of draining your wallet or purse, spending money on food has proven to be the downfall of many people who try to save or take care of existing debt. The problem happens when you try to use your expendable income on lunches or dinner everyday. It might be more convenient to run outside and get lunch during your lunch break. However, depending on where you work, buying lunch all the time might be more of a strain on your wallet than you think. Here we’ll break down the reasons why the Guardian Method of Saving when it comes to food can not only help you save money, it can also provide other benefits as well.


First: Saving Money The Guardian Way

Instead of eating out for breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner everyday, you can plan out your meals every week beforehand to save yourself some money. Integrating your monthly food allocation with your breakfast/lunch/dinner weekly schedule, you can start seeing the ways your savings benefits from it. Purchasing food in bulk is significantly less expensive than the alternative for obvious reasons. But the main reason that people don’t look to cook dinner every night or breakfast and lunch every morning can be inconvenient for them. Being tired is enough of a reason for most to not prepare meals for a day. However, there is a simple way around this. You can prepare your weekly meals on a free day or on your weekends. Whichever you decide, having your meals prepared altogether eliminates your need to add an extra thing to your daily routine.

Another thing you can add to this method of saving money: coupons. It might seem like an outdated practice, but coupons are still a great way to save money on your groceries. Even if you use online services like Amazon Fresh or FreshDirect, they still have coupons you can add to certain items you purchase. The overall outcome should result in you saving money in the long term by stopping you from eating out all the time.


Second: Alternate Benefits of Saving Money The Guardian Way

One of the best things about making your own meals, outside of your ability to save money, is the benefits it will have to your health. The more expensive your take out, the more healthy your food can be. But if you create your own meals, you have control over how healthy your food is. This can put you on a more stable diet more consistently, giving you more energy for your days. Choosing your groceries from cheaper, healthier locations. Take some time to find local areas that sell what you’re looking for. If you’re able to (or just have the inclination to do so) you can even grow some of your own food. Fruits and vegetables can easily be grown at home for easy picking later on. Growing your own food can be a fun and relaxing way to stay healthy and keep up your weekly meal prep.

If you do these things and follow The Guardian Way of saving, you’ll find multiple benefits in preparing your meals on a weekly basis. Not only will you be able to save yourself money over time, you’ll also find yourself eating healthier and taking more stock into your own personal and financial wellbeing. There will be more posts on how to save money The Guardian Way so stay tuned!